Blog — prophetic medicine
Is My Disease a Punishment?
NARRATED BY ABU HURAYRAH (RADIALLAAHU ANHU) The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: " مَا أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ دَاءً إِلاَّ أَنْزَلَ لَهُ شِفَاءً " "THERE IS NO DISEASE THAT ALLAH HAS CREATED, EXCEPT THAT HE ALSO HAS CREATED ITS CURE." [BUKHAARI] There are many natural remedies, medicines, and food that have tremendous benefits for our overall health. Unfortunately, we are too consumed and sucked into the realm of pharmaceutical branding that we forget how to treat our aliments naturally and instead heavily rely on synthetically masking our symptoms. Although taking pharmaceutical medications may be compulsory for certain medical diseases and illnesses, we should...
Hijaamah: Reviving a Sunnah
“There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) Health and free time for doing good.” — BUKHARI The world has long been familiar with cupping as an ancient Chinese practice. However, cupping is also heavily promoted in Islaamic medicine. Hijaama, or “sucking” in Arabic , is the process where small shallow incisions on the treated area of the skin are made to release toxic blood while balancing the four humors of the body: yellow bile, black bile, phlegm, and blood. If any of these four humors are imbalanced, the entire body becomes imbalanced and struggles to fight...
Healing Benefits of Cupping: 4 Modalities of Cupping
What is Cupping? Generally, cupping is the process where plastic or glass cups are placed on the skin and then suctioned into place by use of a vacuum pump or fire suction. This is known as negative pressure" which separates the superficial layer of skin, muscles, and tissues to filter out stagnated blood and decrease muscle soreness within those layers. Cupping has 4 main modalities: wet, dry, moving, and fire cupping. Each modality helps increase blood flow to damaged areas of the body and is a great therapy for muscular pain, joint pain, skin problems and respiratory issues . What...

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